Hi, I'm Subhajit. I am a programmer and aspiring game designer with a passion for creating engaging and entertaining experiences. With experience in Unity and Unreal Game Engines and a strong foundation in game design principles and Documentation, I am constantly seeking opportunities to further develop my skills and bring innovative ideas to life. My goal is to create memorable games that captivate and immerse players in unique worlds.

Unknown Deep


Unknown Deep is 3D Platformer in an underwater setting. Your goal as a player is to find all the pearls in the level to progress into further levels. You have tools in your disposal that will help you get to other levels and eventually complete the game. The game has a short and sweet story and a narrative and an epic moment at the end. Hope you can complete the puzzle.

My Contribution

Game Design, Level Design and Programming

The Complete Me!


The Complete me is a 3rd person puzzle game which is taking place in a household. You start the game by choosing a random option from list. Then you are presented with a riddle which leads to an item. You are spawned in the house as a component of that item, your goal is to find all the components that make up that item and merge them to solve the puzzle. You have multiple items to pick from.

My Contribution

Game Design, Level Design and Programming

Grid Animals


Grid Animals is a turn based grid game. You have the option to build a deck of animals to play vs the enemy. All animals have unique abilities.

My Contribution

Game Design, Programming (This game was a great learning experience for me, as i learned to implement state based turn system)

Run Away Dice


Run Away dice is an infinite runner. The goal of the player is to survive as long as possible. The player can swipe in any direction of roll the dice. The dice has six colors one on each side. You need to match the color of the side to the lasers directions that are coming out of towers. If you fail to do so, then you lose.

My Contribution

Game Design, Programming

Artifacts of Death


Artifacts of Death is a 3rd Person fighting game. Yasu, the player character is on a mission to destroy evil artifacts. The artifacts control beasts. The artifacts can revive them 2 times if the beasts are killed, each time granting an ability for both, player and the enemey to choose between. One will go to the player and the other to the beast. Once you killed the beast 3 times in total then the portal to the next level will open.

My Contribution

Game Design, Level design and Programming